Coach of the Year

  • Vote for Jeff Monken as Liberty Mutual FCS Coach of the Year


    The first round vote for Coach of the Year is closed (12/3) and will reopen on 12/6 for Finalists.


    5 finalists from the FCS subdivision will be selected from top fan vote getters by the selection committee and finalist voting will begin on Dec. 6th and run until Dec. 22nd.


    Check back on Dec. 6th to see if Jeff Monken made the finalist list.


  • How can you help elect "Jeff Monken - Georgia Southern" as Coach of the Year:Jeff Monken, GSU Eagles Coach


    1. Vote for Jeff Monken at "FCS Coach of the Year" - click here.

    2. Vote each day between now and December 3rd!

    3. Plan to attend the Playoffs at GSU and away!

    4. Watch & Cheer GSU Football in the Playoffs.

    5. Plan to attend our "Game Day" events during the playoffs.

    6. Encourage Jeff Monken as the Coach of our Eagles.

    7. Plan to attend Homecoming 2012 and meet Jeff Monken in person.


    If each Theta Kappa alumnus votes once each day btewtween now and the end of balloting on December 3rd we double Jeff's votes, get your spouse to do it we triple the votes, get 2 of your kids to do it that is 5X and if you get your friends and family to do it for the next 7 days we can easily go over 40,000 votes, so get started today! The deadline for Round 1 is December 3rd, so you need to act right away - you can vote each day! We can do this!


    Jeff Monken finished well last year in balloting for NCAA 1AA Coach of the Year in his first year as head coach, but was not selected as a finalist. We had a great 2011 season and a great game at Alabama - let's keep the tradition continuing! GATA!


    Go Eagles! GATA!

  • Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year


  • Three Logos