Alumni Roles & Officers

  • The Theta Kappa Chapter has three alumni organizations that provide support to the chapter and the house. They are the Theta Kappa Alumni Chapter, the Theta Kappa House Corporation, and the Theta Kappa Alumni Advisory Board (AAB). Each serves separate and distinct purposes, but collaboratively for the betterment of the chapter, the alumni, the house, and the fraternity.


    The Theta Kappa Alumni Chapter is the organization dedicated to the sustainment of the fraternity, the chapter, and the alumni organization; the planning of alumni activities, and to support the chapter and house. Membership is open to all Theta Kappa initiates, in good standing, upon completion of their collegiate membership as well as to friends, family, other Sigma Nu alumni, and invited interested parties as associate members. The Alumni Chapter has an annual meeting during Homecoming of each year (October or November) and has numerous events throughout the year. It elects its officers bi-annually in even numbered years at Homecoming.


    The Alumni Chapter is governed by elected officers, which are: Alumni Commander, Lt. Commander, and Recorder also known as Worthy Commander, Lt. Commander, and Recorder. The treasury functions for the alumni chapter are managed by the House Corporation Treasurer for simplicity sake.


      • Sigma Nu Epsilon Tau Tau - For Life


        Please review our "Code of Conduct" and the Conduct Expectations at all fraternal events - click here.