For more information - click here.
To RSVP, see below.
Please RSVP here for the 12th (2026) Commander's Dinner on Sat., Jan. 17, 2026. Evan, Zach, John, & Bill will be notified. Please join us to honor the new Commander!
Yes - I will be there
Yes, I am unsure, but I believe I will be there
No, but I would like to help pay for the collegiate commander's dinner and the gavel.
No, I will not be there
Unsure, but as soon as I know I will contact Zach, Evan , or John.
Past or Current Commander
Member of the Alumni Advisory Board
Member of the House Corporation
Alumni Chapter Officer
Past Volunteer
Other Volunteer
Special Invited Guest
HQs Staff or Grand Officer
I would like to nominate or recommend another brother to attend this event:
We believe the cost per past commander will range from $140-$180/person dependent on additional beverage purchases.