From Josh Calhoun, Alumni Chapter Commander: Please answer the below poll regarding our 55th Anniversary event the weekend of May 16-18 in Atlanta.
Yes, I plan on attending
No, I do not plan on attending
I plan on attending Friday and Saturday
I plan on attending just Saturday
Did you answer the survey on Facebook as well? (We will consolidate the 2 polls.)
Yes, I answered the poll on Facebook too
No, I have not answered on Facebook
Please provide the following key information. For initiate #, you may also put your affiliation, such as, little sister, sweetheart, friend, parent, or spouse of alumnus. This is needed for members in case they are not logged in.
Optional, but appreciated data. This will be recorded in our Alumni Database, shared with Sigma Nu HQs (unless stated otherwise), and available to the Alumni Chapter.
May we share your address and contact data with the Sigma Nu HQs, so your contact data is kept updated?
Yes, that is fine.
No, please do not share with Sigma Nu HQs
Thank you!
Please review our "Code of Conduct" and the Conduct Expectations at all fraternal events - click here.