Information for Parents

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  • A Serpent, a Rose, and A Star

    A Serpent, A Rose, and A Star

    Welcome Parents!!!

    What is your greatest hope for your son?

    He graduates —
    He graduates with honors —
    He grows up happy —
    He is respected by his peers —
    He continues the legacy which you've prepared him for —

    What is your biggest fear for you son?

    He skips class —
    He gets hurt or in trouble with the law —
    He's disrespectful to others —
    He abuses the opportunities that you've given him —

    Let's face it; college can be the fork in the road where hopes and fears meet. Short term pleasure and temptations often compete with path of opportunities and success.

    Your list of hopes for your son probably didn't include being a "frat guy". Well it isn't on the top of our list either. Being a "frat guy" is easy —but being a "fraternity man" is the road less traveled.

    We realize that 18 to 22 year old males usually don't need much guidance how to have fun —it comes naturally. But we do realize that leadership, morals, dealing with people, defining achievement all take a little more planning, thought, and guidance.

    Sigma Nu is fortunate to offer its members the best leadership development program available to greek students. Sigma Nu's LEAD Program, which stands for Leadership, Ethics, Achievement, Development, provides the tools for our members to develop the same leadership skills that most corporations offer to their top executives.

    Don't count Sigma Nu out of your son's experience. Please take the time to research our values, history and mission. See if it aligns with your family's values and your hopes for your son.


    Read a letter from a parent of a member


     Sigma Nu Anti-Hazing Poster

    What your son will experience


    One of the biggest fears for parents is the thought of your son being hazed. We assure you that hazing is not part of the Sigma Nu experience. In fact, in 1869 when Sigma Nu was founding at the Virginia Military Institute the Fraternity was established in firm opposition to hazing and upon a strict honor principle. Instead we believe that our LEAD Program builds better men through interactive simulations, lectures, workshops, and mentoring to help them with their own personal dreams and ambitions.


    Click here to download Sigma Nu's Anti-Hazing Poster

    Click here to view Sigma Nu's Anti-Hazing Initiative



    See what the Lead Program has to offer each year your son is involved as a Sigma Nu:

    LEAD Logo
    First Year – LEAD PHASE I 
    Second Year – LEAD PHASE II

    Third Year - LEAD PHASE III

    Fourth Year – LEAD PHASE IV


    Click here to learn more about Sigma Nu's LEAD Program


    North-American Interfraternity ConferenceAnother resource is the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), which Sigma Nu is an active member of. The NIC is an association for national fraternities - at the website ( you can learn more about fraternities or click here to go directly to the NIC parents page.


    GreekLifeEdu provided by Sigma NuIn alignment with Sigma Nu's continuing efforts "To develop ethical leaders..." the General Fraternity offers GreekLifeEdu as a tool to assist its membership in becoming better educated about alcohol, hazing, and  sexual assault.


    If you have questions, suggestions, or would like more information, please email or We welcome suggestions and input. There are are a number of resources for parents on this site and others; we have attempted to provide you with some of this information and links to other sites.  

    Sigma Nu Fraternity's Website - Information for Parents:


    Please click here for parents information on