• Chapter Eternal for the Theta Kappa Chapter


  • Please report the passing of a brother by clicking here and filling out the form.


    Chapter Eternal is Sigma Nu Fraternity’s reference to those brothers who have passed from their current existence into the greater meaning. It is referred to as Chapter Eternal as it is our intent to never forget those who were members nor the lessons we have learned in life through our fraternity.


    Initiated at Homecoming 2012, the chapter began a process of formally honoring those brothers who had passed during the previous biennium. At the annual alumni meeting every two years (even years), the chapter honors brothers who have recently passed to the Theta Kappa Chapter Eternal based on the report provided to the General Fraternity for announcement at Grand Chapter. At Homecoming 2012 was the first ceremony we did, so we did this as a time to “catch up” and instill a bi-annual tradition to honor our passed brothers.


    This will be a facet of all future alumni meetings at Homecoming every even year. We have initiated a permanent memorial space on our website as you will see an area for each alumnus plus a summary slide we prepare for the Grand Chapter for distinguished alumni. These pages are a "work in progress" and we welcome your input, stories, pictures, and feedback – we need information on each member as they pass including an obituary, photos, and a summary of fraternal life. This will be easiest for those in the future, but we also need to complete our records for those in the distant past.


    The Theta Kappa Chapter has adopted the tradition of signifying the passing of a brother or the family or loved one of a brother with Three White Roses. This is a tradition started by some alumni in the early 2000s and formalized in 2012 when two founding alumni passed within a few months of each other. Prior to that we addressed each occasion uniquely and often erratically. The White Rose is a symbol of our great fraternity representing the purity of purpose and change – in this case the change or transition to Chapter Eternal or the passing of a close one. It is also an outward symbol extended to a brothers’ spouse/sweetheart, his mother, and his sister. A single white rose or three white roses may be presented upon the passing of a mother, father, sibling, child or spouse of a brother in a similar manner. Of note: the official white rose is not generally commercially available, so standard white roses are used in place of the official flower.


    The Three (3) White Roses represent:

    1. The first rose is from the local collegiate chapter where he began his ΣΝ journey and was initiated.
    2. The second rose is given on behalf of our alumni, Alumni Chapter, House Corporation, and Alumni Advisory Board as he will always be a ΘΚ and Sigma Nu alumnus.
    3. The third rose is on behalf of the General Fraternity and all members of “The Legion of Honor”, who we all belong to forever as ours is not just a lifetime membership, but forever.


    To download our PDF document on the "Three White Roses" click here.


    To read the profile on the brother, please click on the hyperlink on their name. To read or add your own tribute to the brother, please click on the word "Tributes" next to their name. To provide information on a member you must be logged into the site or they will need to be sent to alumni@SigmaNuGSU.com. We invite all members, family, and friends to provide information or review what we have and again we are always looking for suggestions or additions – please excuse any errors or omissions, but we will be happy to rectify as soon as they are brought to our attention.


    Thank you,


    The Theta Kappa Chapter Eternal Committee


  • Announcement


  • Initiate #  Name of Brother

    THK 0007   Francis M. Brady (Mike)

    THK 0011   Hillary G. Jowers (Gerald)

    THK 0014   Duane W. Nunnally (Duane)

    THK 0017   Brooks L. Paulk (Brooks)

    THK 0025   William H. Griffin, Jr. (Bill)

    THK 0031   Dewey F. Holland, Jr. (Dewey)

    THK 0038   Charles N. Brewer (Chuck)

    THK 0041   Joseph P. Barnard (Petesey)

    THK 0043   William E. Brent, III (Bill)

    THK 0046   David I. Sammons, Jr. (David)

    THK 0047   Darwin G. Williams (Darwin)

    THK 0049   Winburn T. Howard (Tommy)

    THK 0050   Emory D. Ellis (David)

    THK 0052   Richard L. Anderson (Rick)

    THK 0059   Wade B. Dixon, Jr. (Wade)

    THK 0068   James A. Fountain, III (Artie)

    THK 0081   Harold E. Harvey, Jr. (Harold)

    THK 0090   Carl D. Murray (Dan)

    THK 0092   Jon E. Lott (Jon)

    THK 0111   Morris H. Taylor, Jr. (Mark)

    THK 0126   Daniel J. Holmes (Danny)

    THK 0159   Mike W. Kirby (Mike)

    THK 0166   Charles W. Ralls (Chuck)

    THK 0177   Mark R. Mountan (Mark)

    THK 0181   James D. Woth (James)

    THK 0188   Phillip K. Parker (Kerry)

    THK 0190   Kendall C. Roberts (Ken)

    THK 0192   John R. Sanders (John)

    THK 0214   Charles E. Van Houten (Chuck)

    THK 0225   Wayne L. Sutton (Wayne)

    THK 0228   Robert W. Wood (Robert)

    THK 0261   Melvin S. Puckett (Stan)

    THK 0262   Ferrell L. Penland (Ferrell)

    THK 0277   John M. Cunningham (Mark)

    THK 0300   William P. Drew, III (Palmer)

    THK 0308   Kelly D. Stephens (Kelly)

    THK 0322   Michael A. Hammond (Mike)

    THK 0349   James M. Dunbar (Jim)

    THK 0413   James E. Coggins, III (Trey)

    THK 0423   Jimmie E. Villines (Eric)

    THK 0436   Joseph E. Leeb (Joe)

    THK 0468   Mark A. Smith (Mark)

    THK 0489   Sean E. Boyce (Sean)

    THK 0583   Daniel L. Funk (Daniel)

    THK 0588   Jason A. Edwards (Jason)

    THK 0654   Michael W. Reed (Michael)

    THK 0680   Tyler R. Broadrick (Tyler)

    THK 0829   Harrison E. Baize (Harrison)

    Xi 0420      F. Everett Williams (Everett)


  • Slide1.JPG Slide2.JPG Slide3.JPG Slide4.JPG Slide5.JPG Slide6.JPG Slide7.JPG Slide8.JPG Slide9.JPG Slide10.JPG Slide11.JPG Slide12.JPG Slide13.JPG Slide14.JPG Slide15.JPG Slide16.JPG Slide17.JPG Slide18.JPG Slide19.JPG Slide20.JPG Slide21.JPG Slide22.JPG Slide23.JPG Slide24.JPG Slide25.JPG Slide26.JPG Slide27.JPG Slide28.JPG Slide29.jpg Slide30.JPG Slide31.JPG Slide32.JPG Slide33.JPG Slide34.JPG Slide35.JPG Slide36.JPG

    The PPT Slide Show above is the presentation for the Chapter Eternal Remembrance Ceremony done at Homecoming 2014 on Sat., Oct. 11th and had been done in its entirety in 2012.



    Three Whites Roses next to the Draped Badge


  • If you know of someone that is missing from the list or you have information, pictures, or memories to share on anyone for this ceremony, please send to alumni.sngsu@outlook.com or you can upload on the website (see the instructions above).


  • Sigma Nu Epsilon Tau Tau - For Life


    Please review our "Code of Conduct" and the Conduct Expectations at all fraternal events - click here.


  • Announcement

    August 13, 2015


    We are saddened to learn of the passing to Chapter Eternal our brother Michael A. Hammond (Mike), ΘΚ 322 of Alpharetta, GA. Mike passed away on Wedneday, August 12, 2015. Services will be held Roswell Funeral Home, Roswell, GA on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 4:00 pm. His memorial is at:
