• Homecoming 2018 at GSU


  • Sigma Nu Homecoming 2018 RSVP

    Please RSVP below and announce you are coming on Facebook (click to left), so others will know!


    1. Please fill out the RSVP form below to RSVP YES or to RSVP.

    2. If you are short of time and would like to just RSVP NO, please click here (to RSVP NO).

    3. Click on the payment logo ("Click Here - Pay Here") below or on the link just to the left.


    Travel safely and we will see you in Statesboro at Homecoming!


  • Homecoming 2025 RSVP




    Football Tickets: Premium Club Level Seats. Text Bill Geddy to order.

    The Golf Tournament will be held on a first come, first serve basis, based on a registered and paid foursome. Sign-up right away! Each foursome will have a collegiate, so you only need 3 names.


    If you have already RSVP'd and want to play golf, please contact Jim McBrayer directly. You will pay at the clubhouse.


    Hotel Room Information - we do not have a block, but you can go to: www.SigmaNuGSU.com/hotels for a complete listing of hotels in Statesboro:

    Thank you!

    Ignore the stuff below this line.

    Don't forget to pay for your fees, lunch, golf, and/or football tickets now.

    Jim McBrayer has volunteered to be our Golf Chairman. Jim (Mule) can be contacted at: 404-625-3423 (M) or jmcbrayer17@gmail.com, but after Tuesday night of Homecoming week please only contact him via cell phone as he will be in or on his way to Statesboro. We are playing in GSU University Course again this year!

    Lastly please note the amount of your transactions and click on the image below this form, which says “Click Here - Pay Here” to make payment. You will need to register on the payment site and then pay your charges. Please remember your Username & Password as we will continue to use this service. You just need to select the buttons you want to pay for, so it is quick and easy! The “Organization ID or Envelope Number” is your Pin# (if you have one otherwise leave blank). Please use a 4 digit pin # in the format “0xxx”, so if your Pin# is 219 it would be 0219.

  • Homecoming 2017 Football Seating

    Thinking ahead to Homecoming 2017 if you need tickets, we need to know right away. We are excited to announce that this season the Athletic Department is allowing us to buy a block in the Club Level Premium seats (Sections 101-113), so if you want those, please order those now and on here. The Club Level Premium seats are on the visitor side under the upper deck; they include a reserved seat (not a bench), shade, and premium access, but also beer/beverages and snacks are included with the seats. These tickets are coming through the Eagle Fund donations and Season Ticket allocations of several Theta Kappa alumni, so we could secure these premium seats for our alumni. If you want other seating, please contact the ticket office directly.


    To get these seats you need to RSVP for Homecoming and order the tickets as soon as possible - they are $45/seat, so submit your RSVP and pay your fees online as soon as possible.


    Club Level Seats

  • Payment Site Down

  • Link to Sigma Nu Payment site at: http://giving.ncsservices.org/sigmanugsu


  • At this time our Homecoming Registration Form will not pick up data from our database, so you will need your total dollar and payment information on the separate site. Our payment site is through National Church Services (they are affiliated with the website company), which is fully PCI compliant, secure, and not accessible by the chapter - the transaction charges and fees are minimal. The website is: http://e-giving.org/sigmanufraternity. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by sending an email to: alumni@SigmaNuGSU.com.


    1. Fill out this form below to RSVP.

    2. If you are short of time and would like to just RSVP - NO, please click here.

    3. Click on the payment logo on the bottom of the page to pay any amounts due.

    4. If you haven't already...tell everyone you are coming to Homecoming 2014!

    5. If you need a hotel room, please click here to go to our list of hotels in Statesboro.

    Also contact: Statesboro Convention & Visitor’s Bureau

    at 912-489-1869 or (800) 568-3301 or www.visitstatesboroga.com


    Travel safely and we will see you in Statesboro at Homecoming!


  • Hotel & Motel Listing for the Statesboro/GSU Area - Download


  • Sigma Nu Epsilon Tau Tau - For Life


    Please review our "Code of Conduct" and the Conduct Expectations at all fraternal events - click here.