We have 38 Composite posted and we have 7 to go and 1 to build (1995-1996). Here are the 7 missing with Composite Year (Commander in office):
We have 38 Composite posted and we have 7 to go and 1 to build (1995-1996). Here are the 7 missing with Composite Year (Commander in office):
1. 1972-1973 (Bruce Hall)
2. 1973-1974 (Paul Leahy)
3. 1980-1981 (Jim Walker)
4. 1990-1991 (Todd Smith)
5. 1992-1993 (Brett Kelly)
6. 1998-1999 (John Yarbrough)
7. 1999-2000 (Brian Stansfield)
8. 2020-2021 (Alex Guilloux)
Individual Composites - Downloadable in PDF or JPG.
Listed below are the composite years (as we know them) if they are listed in black then we have them and you can go to the "Composite" folder to download them in JPG or PDF (you must be logged in). All of the composites we have are in the slideshow. If a composite year is in Red then we are missing it and we need your help finding it. If you have one of these composites or you think you can provide one in better quality, please contact alumni.sngsu@outlook.com.
Some lessons learned: For those who have composites and can get them scanned, please read this:
"Getting them Scanned"
Once you get them scanned we can open a folder for you to place them on the website or give you a Dropbox or similar service - or you can put them in your own and share them with us. Feel free to share any pictures you have scanned in digital format that are appropriate for the website - we are glad to have them and post them. We would be happy to set up an area of the website for your era, pledge/initiate class, event/trip or whatever.
Chapter Composites - our history:
Composite Year (Commander) - Notes - Donated by.
1967-1968 (Williams R) – (Is there one? Don't think there is)
1968-1970 (Brown B) – Donated by Tony Fair, ΘΚ 9
1969-1970 (Brown B) – (Is there one? Don't think there is)
1970-1971 (Sellers J) – Donated by Tony Fair, ΘΚ 9
1971-1972 (Moscrip A/Barnard R) – Received/Posted
1972-1973 (Hall B)
1973-1974 (Leahy P)
1974-1975 (Lott J)
1975-1976 (Spatz J) – Received/Posted
1976-1977 (Hundley D) – Received/Posted
1977-1978 (Austin J) – Donated by Jim Walker, ΘΚ 150
1978-1979 (Holley P) – Donated by Phillip Holley, ΘΚ 131
1979-1980 (Sholtes F) – Received/Posted
1980-1981 (Walker J)
1981-1982 (Walker J) – Donated by Jim Walker, ΘΚ 150
1982-1983 (McDonald R) – Donated by Vic Lazich, ΘΚ 206
1983-1984 (Hill A) – Received/Posted
1984-1985 (Mullis J) – Received/Posted
1985-1986 (Geddy B) – Donated by Tony Fair, ΘΚ 9
1986-1987 (Geddy B) – Donated by Bill Geddy, ΘΚ 219
1987-1988 (Geddy B) – Donated by Bill Geddy, ΘΚ 219
1988-1989 (Houlihan T) – Donated by Tony Fair, ΘΚ 9
1989-1990 (Kinlaw J) – Donated by Robert Sigler, ΘΚ 292
1990-1991 (Smith T)
1991-1992 (Smith S) – Donated by Robert Sigler, ΘΚ 292
1992-1993 (Kelly B)
1993-1994 (Rogers T) – Received/Posted
1994-1995 (Smith J) – Received/Posted
1995-1996 (Dowdle J) – (We don't think there is one*)
1996-1997 (Gould B) – Donated by Robert Williams, ΘΚ 258
1997-1998 (Gould B) – Donated by Robert Williams, ΘΚ 258
1998-1999 (Yarbrough J)
1999-2000 (Stansfield B)
2000-2001 (Johnson T) – Donated by Gary Foshee, ΘΚ 560
2001-2002 (Pittman D) – Donated by Gary Foshee, ΘΚ 560
2002-2003 (Palmer D) – Donated by Gary Foshee, ΘΚ 560
2003-2004 (Foshee G) – Donated by Gary Foshee, ΘΚ 560
2004-2005.1 (Bragg W) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2004-2005.2 (Evans W) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2006-2006 (Wigley K) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2008-2009 (Little D) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2009-2010 (Little D) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2010-2011 (Elder T) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2011-2012 (Mobley S) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2012-2013 (Brannen R) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2013-2014 (Winebarger E) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2014-2015 (Degen E) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2015-2016 (Clay A) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2016-2017 (Geurin Z) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2017-2018 (Richards M) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2018-2019 (Hamil GC) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2019-2020 (O'Brien C) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2020-2021 (Guilloux A) –
2021-2022 (Patel A) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2022-2023 (Radcliffe J) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2023-2024 (Scott A) – Provided by Chapter/Composite Service
2024-2025 (Kinard C) – Not produced yet
2025-2026 (Broome M) - Not produced yet
*As we understand it, we do not think there is a composite from 1995-1996 (it was never paid for), so we have a project we are taking on and that is to reconstruct the composite from that year with the two before and the two after - right now we don't have any from the 90's scanned and on the website.
Note: We have a couple of composites that are listed above that were scanned for the website and our archives which we are don't remember who gave to us, please let us know if you provided and we will return them to you.
Until we post otherwise, we have the PDF and JPG versions of the composites posted in a folder where they are stored on the website and download them.